Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blasted Warm Outside.....NOT!!

I just had to share the Eastern Oregon warmth with everyone. Went to the barn to feed like I always do at 5:am. In the barn it was negative 6 degrees. No wonder the animals were resistant to getting out of their beds for breakfast this morning. So then as I was coming back into the house curiosity took me by our out door thermometer (its frosted over this morning so I couldn't see the numbers from the sliding glass door). It read that it was a balmy fourteen BELOW zero. By this time I was more than reading to go into the house where it is at least seventy degrees.

I have been a foster fish mom since Sue that I work with went on vacation to Nashville. The bank isn't very warm no matter what time of the day and with the long holiday I brought "Bucky" the fish home. There has been a "Bucky" beta fish at the bank for many years. I think that last count I heard is the there has been 5. Anyways, I am hoping to take Bucky back to work today. Maybe not with it being so darn warm outside. He might get cooked in his bowl on my way to my pickup or into the bank this morning since I have to report early to open the safes.

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