Monday, April 30, 2007


Life is an amazing gift. It is amazing how the road of life takes many twists and turns through the years and at times you may not recognize the warning signs.

This past Thursday was "Take Your Kid To Work Day." The Boys have been to work with Dad many many times when Aaron hauled cattle but since being with ODOT have had to learn that they can't go. Dawson was went to work with Aaron this past Thursday and Justin will go next year. They will switch off every year. This year the crew were out in the Richland, Oregon area cleaning ditches. Dawson and Dad were in a dump truck that day. Riding in a truck wasn't anything new for Dawson so that wasn' the most exciting thing for the day. Dawson just had fun going and being with "Dad's Buddies": Russ & Zack and seeing his friend Eli (Russ's son) again.

I have been slowing getting burned out working working the postal service. This past weekend was basically the final straw for me. Plus Family time is getting more precious as the Boys grow. Here real soon there will be sports to chase on weekends and weeknights and friends spending weekends with us and so on. So family time will be getting less and less. So I am on the prowl for a week day job that will offer most weekends off and hopefully be able to work while the Boys are in school. Because I do have some training already done and passed required tests I will be getting on the sub list at the Boys school and go from there. It would be so neat to be able to take off for a weekend to Bend, Boise, Salem/Portland area or just grab the hiking gear and head to the Elkhorns!

Justin's been my helper this weekend. I ended up having an abcessed tooth and on powerful drugs now so I just hang out in Aaron's chair most of the time. Justin has been my waiter. "Mom, need a pop (can I have a caprisun is thrown in the mix too)....Mom need pudding & a spoon (of course there is the "can I have one too")...Mom.....Mom....."

39 days of school left & then SUMMER VACATION!!! What is these parents going to do!!!!

Live good, Laugh often & Love well

1 comment:

Wesly Smith said...

Oh no you don't go posting pictures of those beautiful mountains that I can't go hiking in!

I can understand how having to work on Saturdays would be a major drain on a person's moral. I hope you find something that works better for you.